The Rift

**Debut Album – Released Summer 2021**

« Dans un monde brisé, où la lumière a été arrachée aux ténèbres, une bande de survivants s'efforce de réunir les deux côtés, tout en recherchant ce qui les poursuit… la faille. »

The Rift Album Cover
  1. Sky Club
  2. Calculate
  3. The Other Side
  4. Synth World
  5. I Want More
  6. Compel Me
  7. Heart Beat
  8. Rolling Hills
  9. Ravagers
  10. Bomb Squad
  11. Sky Walk
  12. White Waters

The album also comes with a PDF of the story which accompanies each song.

Découvrez la composition et l'histoire en vedette pour "Sky Club" (anglais seulement)


“It felt good to finally have a purpose greater than survival. Our initiative could have an impact on a global scale, so many years after people had given up on hope.”

The group of survivors enters the Sky Club to meet a shady dealer and buy a rift detector. After the exchange, they attract the unwanted attention of a Potens officer and have to escape. They make it out, but now they’ll be on the Potens’ radar. Nonetheless, they look forward to getting started with the device.

*Check out the trailer below*